New to this? Perhaps you’re not sure how to go about ‘coming to church’ – don’t worry, it’s OK just to visit, and here are some hints…

What’s the best service to come to?

If you’re coming with children come to the 10.30am service, which is our ‘main’ service. It lasts for around 75 minutes, and during it we have the Sunday Club for children.
If you want something a bit quieter, try the 9am service.
We have the same sermon at both the morning services.
Every so often, we have an “all-age” service at the 10:30am service – we all stay together at that service, including the children, and it lasts at most 60 minutes.

What should I wear?

Whatever you’re comfortable in. People wear anything from jeans and t-shirts to jacket and tie.

Can I park?

Yes – on a Sunday you can park next door in the Morden College car park, with their kind permission. There are also some parking spaces on the A24 opposite the church which can be available. The car park for Morden Park is near and is free on Sundays and on Saturdays after 1pm.

What time should I arrive?

5 to 10 minutes early is a good idea. Then you can get settled. Lots of our regular members chat in the lobby until about 1 minutes before the service starts – but you don’t have to do that – get in early and you’ll definitely get a seat!

Oh – how do I make sure I’m not in someone’s seat?

There’s no such thing, really, even though people tend to sit in roughly the same place every week! If there’s a space in a pew, and no ‘reserved’ sign on it – you can sit there. We’re always happy to see visitors, and it does us good to get a different view from time to time.

How do I get into the church?

There are two entrances:

The main entrance is through the Church Centre – the modern-looking bit attached to the church, on the right as you face the church from the road. This is buggy / wheelchair accessible.

The other entrance is the Church building’s South door – on the left side of the church from the road. Again it’s buggy / wheelchair accessible.

For security reasons we close the Church Centre entrance as each service starts, so if you’re late, you’re still very welcome, but come to the South Door.

What books do I need, and where do I get them?

At the 10:30am service all the words you need for the service are projected on a screen. At 9:00am there is a a printed service card, which will be given to you as you enter the building. There are Bibles in the pews (chairs) so you can follow the readings.

Can I bring my children?

Please do – Children are very welcome – at any age, bring them along with you. The 10:30am service is the best, because it has a creche and children’s club.

What if my child makes a noise?

Your child probably will make a noise, and that’s fine – we’d rather have the noise and your lovely child and you than boring peace and quiet! There’s always a healthy burble of children at our 10:30am services. We’re happy for you to get up and move around if it helps you to comfort your child – there’s a more open area at the back if it helps. There’s also a creche in the Church Centre with creche helpers if you’d like to try leaving your child there. We have Sunday Club for the 3s-year 5s, and “Oaks” for year 6-9s

When do the children go to the Sunday Club?

In the early part of the service we have a children’s song and a short message for the children, after this the service leader will announce that it’s time for the children to go to their groups (for 3 – year 9s). Your children can either go on their own with all the others, or you’re welcome to take them to the groups, and stay for a minute while they settle in. We’ve got a creche area, with helpers, for under 3s. You can either leave your child there, or stay with them.
At the end of the service you should collect your child from the Church Centre.

How do I know when to stand or sit?

The person leading the service will make that clear. We usually stand for songs and hymns (it’s easier to sing that way), and for a couple of other bits. Just look around and see what other people are doing if you’re not sure.

Do you have toilets?

Yes – just off the lobby in the Church Centre, including accessible facilities and a nappy-changing table.

What happens after the service?

At the end of the service the leader says a brief closing prayer, and then walks down the aisle to the back of the church. People will tend to chat for a few minutes in the church building, then many will drift through to the Church Centre (where there are refreshments) for more chat. We’d love to meet you – so please come through and join in.

Any other questions? Just ask…

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