Our services are best experienced in-person! We do live-stream them for people who really can’t make it.

For more info about how to “do” church – click here

Info about the next Sunday usually gets added before Saturday midnight…

0900 and 1030, Sunday 28th July 2024

Psalm 97 for the sermons, and focussing on Jesus’ obedience to his Father in our children’s “Summer Special”

The 10:30am Service has our Sunday Kids’ Club (apart from on All-Age Sundays). Children start the service in the main building with everyone, before leaving after about 15 minutes to join their groups. There will also be a Creche available for 0-2s.

The 9:00am Service is a quiet service of Morning Prayer or the Lord’s Supper in a slightly more traditional style, with no children’s groups or creche. (We recommend that parents with children attend the 10:30am service)

Come along and join in our gatherings. Guests and visitors are always welcome, and you don’t have to take part – you can just watch and think about what we’re up to in you want!

0900 and 1030, Sunday 21st July 2024

It’s our last look at Joseph in Genesis – 49:1-50:26 – and it’s amazing what we find out about God.

Sunday Club are looking at the Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22:1-14

Sermon Handouts:

0900 and 1030, Sunday 14th July 2024

We’re taking a brief break from Genesis and Joseph to look at Mark 2 with a visiting Mission Partner.

Sunday Club will be looking at Jesus the Greatest Treasure – from Matthew 13:44-46

0900 and 1030, Sunday 7th July 2024

We’re zooming in on one verse for our All-Age Sunday: Genesis 50:20. God has been at work through all the difficult stuff, bringing about his great rescue. That’s also exactly what he has done in Jesus…

0900 and 1030, Sunday 30th June 2024

Jacob must think he’s dreaming – Joseph, his son, is alive! And they’re off to join him in Egypt… but for how long? Genesis 46-47 as we continue the epic story.

Sunday Club are looking at a much shorter story – one of Jesus’ in Matthew 13:33-35
