Thank you for joining in one of our services. If you would like to respond to what you heard, here are some options for you:

1. Pray to God now, asking to become a follower of Jesus.

Jesus said to people: “The time has come … The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15, NIV)

The Kingdom of God: where Jesus rules, and people follow him – spiritually for now, and one day in physical reality.

Repent: have a complete change of mind and life: turn around from living with yourself as Lord, live with Jesus as Lord and change what you think, say and do accordingly.

Believe the Good News: that the man Jesus is God the Son, that he died on the cross as Saviour to pay the price of death for your sin, and that he was raised to life on the third day and now lives as Lord of all. That be faith in him you can be forgiven and have new life, being reconciled to God, and receiving the Holy Spirit.

Pray: “Lord Jesus, I’m sorry that I’ve lived without you as Lord, doing things my way, which has been against what you want, and for which I deserve only your judgement. Thank you for your great love for me in dying on the cross in my place, and rising to life so that I can have new life. Please forgive me, and receive me into your Kingdom as your follower from now and forever.”

Tell us you’ve prayed – we’d love to help you take the first steps as a true Christian: a believer in and follower of Jesus.

2. Read some more about the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We’ve got a short explanation and video on another page – click here.

3. Sign up to come on a enquirers course called “Christianity Explored”

We’ll run this at a time convenient to you, either as a small group, or one-to-one with you.

    4. Get in touch and we’ll call you for a chat or prayer.